Telling The Time Worksheet for Kids Preschool 2020 

When asking what time is it in English, "What time is it ?, What is the time?" We can use the questions. There are two ways to tell what time it is in English:

In cases where the clock is expressed in a 12-hour time zone, AM and PM are used together with the said time.

AM Latin means ante meridiem before noon. An abbreviation used to indicate the time zone between 24:00 and 12:00 noon.

PM means post meridiem in the afternoon in Latin, an abbreviation used to indicate the hours between 12:00 and 24:00.

Abbreviations of AM and PM are sometimes in capital letters “AM and PM”, sometimes in lowercase letters “am and pm” and sometimes “a.m. and p.m. ” It is seen as written.

Spelling Types for English Watches

While answering English clocks questions, it’s… .o'clock pattern is used in full hours.

Let's take a look at how full, half and quarter hours, late and before statements are used.

English Full Time
Exact hours are the easiest answer pattern. We only add the clock to our mold.

06:00: It’s six o'clock

10:00 AM: It's’s o'clock

04:00: It’s four o’clock

24:00: It’s midnight (Midnight)

Telling The Time Worksheet for Kids Preschool 2020

Telling The Time Worksheet for Kids Preschool 2020

Telling The Time Worksheet for Kids Preschool 2020

Telling The Time Worksheet for Kids Preschool 2020 Video Learning English