The concept of early childhood education has been the beginning of early childhood education reform. He says that the family and DOW have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. Russian Federation “On Education”, Art. 18 p.1 Parents are found to be the first educators. In childhood, they have to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality. Therefore, the recognition of the priority of family education by the state requires other relationships and an educational institution, that is, cooperation, interaction and trust. Kindergarten and family should try to create a single space for child's development.

The problem of interaction between preschool education institutions and their families has recently become one of the most urgent. Changing modern family (financial and social stratification, abundance of the latest social technologies, wider educational opportunities, etc.), While avoiding organization and boring patterns, it forces parents to seek new forms of interaction to help, not to encourage the acceptance of the education services consumer, . they become true friends and competent mentors. Fathers and mothers should remember that kindergarten is only an aid in raising children, so they should not shift all responsibility to teachers and not withdraw from the educational process.

Shapes Kindergarten Activities Worksheets 2020 
Shapes Kindergarten Activities Worksheets 2020

Shapes Kindergarten Activities Worksheets 2020

Shapes Kindergarten Activities Worksheets 2020

Shapes Kindergarten Activities Worksheets 2020

Shapes Kindergarten Activities Worksheets 2020

Parents are always the closest people to come to rescue, and as educators we need their help. The role of parents in the organization of children's educational activities, the importance of a sample in upbringing, measures to strengthen child health, the development of conscious discipline, task and responsibility, typical difficulties and deficiencies in family education and ways to do this, the role of parents in children's education.